
Esther Nakate

Age: 11.00 years
Dream: lawyer
Grade Level: Primary 3
Location Katogo Gaba

Esther is 11 year old and comes from a humble family, which stays in the Katogo- slum a suburb of Kampala-Uganda.

At the age of 2 years, the father abandoned her and the mother to go to the village because he could not support the family anymore.  Her mother Cathy Nampewo who is 36 years took on the responsibility of the whole family, when she had no any source of income to support the family yet all that she used to rely on was the father who was no longer functional to the family.

esther’s mother has done her best to take to school though it is hard for to acquire the fees due to the inconsistency of work.

Esther is in primary three, at Ggaba progressive primary school irrespective of the struggles that her mother goes through to look for money to support her through school.

Even through all this, Esther has not stopped to enjoy her school through working so hard, reading books, to pursue her dream of becoming a lawyer.

in other things she likes playing playing netball, playing with friends and loves yellow as her favorite color

You can be part of Esther’s Journey transformation by helping her achieve her life dream and support her family.


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