Mulula Junior

Junior Mulula

Age: 5.00 years
Dream: Teacher
Grade Level: Top Class
Location Katoogo Gaba

Junior stays in Katoogo slum from a family of 8 members. His house is surrounded with water that floods during the rainy season since their place of residence is swampy. Junior dreams of the day they will find a new home that is not in water just like any other beautiful home because when it rains, mosquitoes attack the family and cause malaria to the family and yet at times medication is a problem. Junior came in Uganda and his family as refugee and the father is back in Congo. Ever since they left, the father has proved to ignore his responsibility to take care of the family. Junior’s mother works as a hawker to support the entire family. Junior got to see the hope for Education through a friend who goes to Fountain of Hope learning Centre and she connected him to the school and then started schooling since his mother’s earnings are too little to take care of the family and also pay school fees for all the children. Your support will be a blessing to Junior.


What makes you smile?

Going to school

What was your best memory since last year?

When my mother bought for me a new uniform.

What are your hobbies?

Playing soccer

What is your favorite food?


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