
Lukwago Travor

Age: 12.00 years
Dream: Doctor
Grade Level: Primary 1
Location Kesinego-Kawuku

Trevor is 10 years old who lives with both parents and 10 siblings. They live at Kawuku slum and his mother washes clothes for a living, Trevor’s father Takes care someone’s garden for a living but he’s an absent father who goes for months and leaves no food at home, the children most times miss the fatherly love which is discomforting. The mother supports the family and also takes care of the school fees and other requirements. the little she earns can’t facilitate the family’s needs and keep them in school. His family was identified through Dacam mercy ministry and 5 children inclusive of Trevor were enrolled into Fountain of hope learning center!

Trevor’s future will be bright through Sponsorship!

What makes you smile?

Playing with friends

What was your best memory since last year?

Our neighbor gave me a trouser.

What are your hobbies?

Playing soccer

What is your favorite food?


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