Mirembe Jasmine

Mirembe Jasmine

Age: 8.00 years
Dream: Manager
Grade Level: Primary 3
Location Ggaba

Jasmine Mirembe goes to fountain of hope learning center and she loves Jesus Christ! She lives with her aunt at Gaba near the shores of Lake Victoria. Jasmine’s father is a peasant who stays in the village and her mother abandoned her when she was 2 years old.  Attending school for her is been hard because her aunt’s financial status isn’t that good. Jasmine’s aunt could not send her back to the village because there is nothing that she could get from that side as support.

Her aunt sells fish for a living and the little she earns can’t sustain Jasmine in school, it’s their neighbor that put a smile on Jasmine ‘s aunt. Jasmine’s aunt heard about Fountain of hope learning center through their neighbor that’s how she had a chance to a part of school where she enjoys to learn and also serve the Lord. Her father doesn’t contribute to her school fees which makes it so hard for the aunt to support her and keep her in school too.

Sponsorship will brighten Jasmine’s future!

What makes you smile?

Celebrating my birthday

What was your best memory since last year?

My aunty bought me a beautiful dress.

What are your hobbies?


What is your favorite food?

Rice and meat


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