Robert Mubiru

Mubiru Robert

Age: 10.00 years
Dream: Teacher
Grade Level: Primary 3
Location Kawuku-Kisinego

Robert is 10 years and at Fountain of Hope Learning Center. Robert lives in kawuku- kisenegal slum with his grandmother and grandfather together with his other three siblings in a one roomed house.

His grandfather is crippled and the grandmother sells tap water to the community for survival. His mother separated with his father when Robert was 1 year and got married to another man, while the family do not know where Robert’s father is. He hasn’t gotten the opportunity to see and have his’ parents love.

Robert loves school so much but at times it becomes hard for his grandmother to raise the money to support him and his brothers in school and so he’s in and out of school.

Through sponsorship he will be able to keep in school.


What makes you smile?

Playing with friends

What was your best memory since last year?

Birthday, my grandmother gave me a ball

What are your hobbies?

Playing football

What is your favorite food?


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