
Muhirwa Melisa

Age: 8.00 years
Dream: Pastor
Grade Level: Primary 1
Location Kalungu Bunga

Melisa’s sad story began when their father abandoned their mother and re-married in a far town called Fort Portal 400 Kilometres away. Melisa’s mother serves as a house maid in Kalungu to take care of Melisa and her sister. Being a single mother, the maid’s work earns is so little to provide for the family basic needs and also fulfil all the children’s basic needs in the family. Taking Melisa and her sister has been a struggle to meet the school dues and other requirements. She was later being enrolled at Fountain of Hope learning to study.

Your willingness to support Melisa will change her story.

What makes you smile?

Going to school

What was your best memory since last year?

I graduated from Top class.

What are your hobbies?


What is your favorite food?


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