Nalwoga vivian

Nalwoga Vivian

Age: 7.00 years
Dream: Teacher
Grade Level: Primary 2
Location Bunga

Vivian is 7 years. in primary two at Fountain of Hope Learning center.

She lives with her grandmother in a slum in Bunga a suburb of Kampala district with her three siblings. Vivian’s grandmother smokes chicken and the mother sells ground nuts to support the family, Vivian’s father died. sometimes even finding what to eat is a struggle so they end up eating one meal a day. She keeps missing school since even getting the school materials is hard for them. Vivian is a passionate young girl and loves the Lord.

It will be a joy to see Vivian get sponsored


What makes you smile?

Buying for me a new thing.

What was your best memory since last year?

When my mother bought for me all school requirements.

What are your hobbies?

Playing hide and seek

What is your favorite food?

Rice and meat

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