Blessing Namulinda

Namulinda Blessing

Age: 6.00 years
Dream: Teacher
Grade Level: Top Class
Location Katoogo

Blessing is one calm girl who stays with her mother, her mother has been a single mother because the father left Blessing when she was 3 years old, rent was hard for the mother and she was chased out of the single roomed house they used to stay him, she slept on streets with her 3 children, not until she started washing clothes for people and got a slot in the slum in Katoogo slum and put up a wooden structure for her and children to sleep in, her structure is fully flooded due to water floods. Blessing’s mother has HIV/AIDS which the father left when he had infected her. It’s heartbreaking to see hear this family’s story, they barely get what to eat in a day and the little she earns from the casual job is not even enough to cater for their needs and keep them in school hence missing school often.

Your love and care will make a difference in Blessing’s life through Sponsorship

What makes you smile?

Playing with dolls

What was your best memory since last year?

A friend of my mother gave me a dress

What are your hobbies?

Playing with dolls

What is your favorite food?

Rice & beans

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