
Nankya Christine

Age: 8.00 years
Dream: Teacher
Grade Level: Primary 1
Location Gaba Slum

Christine is little girl who loves Jesus, she leads praise and worship in the Saturday fellowship at Fountain of Hope learning center where she studies from. She lives with her grandmother and mother in an extended family of 20 members. Christine’s father passed away when she was one year old. Her mother works as a maid at someone’s home, and the grandmother doesn’t work.  but the mother tries her level best to support the family and keep her children through school. Christine loves to study so so much. Her story is far from pleasing

Sponsorship will help Christine attain a descent education!


What makes you smile?

Playing with friends

What was your best memory since last year?

Mummy bought me a dress.

What are your hobbies?

Skipping rope

What is your favorite food?

Rice & Chicken

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