Sheila Nassazi

Nassazi Sheila

Age: 7.00 years
Dream: Nurse
Grade Level: Top Class
Location Gaba
Sheila has grown up in Ggaba with her mother and step father ever since the father abandoned the mother when she was 7 months pregnant with her. Sheila has not had a chance to experience father’s love. Sheila’s mother washes clothes in a community and the step father rides a motorcycle to earn a living. The mother says sometimes life gets tough for her when Sheila step father decides to pay for only her step sister’s fees only. Sheila misses’ school and yet her mother job can’t be enough to help her through school. She loves to study and she is a very happy girl. Your prayers and support will help Sheila achieve her dream of becoming a nurse and also fulfill God’s intended plans for her life.

What makes you smile?

Playing with others.

What was your best memory since last year?

When my mother bought for me a dress.

What are your hobbies?

Skipping the rope.

What is your favorite food?

Matooke and Meat.

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