Parvin Wanjala


Age: 11.00 years
Dream: Doctor
Grade Level: Primary Two
Location Lugazi, Nsenya

Pavin’s story is tragic one. Pavin’s mother Alice was forcefully raped by a man and that’s how pavin was conceived. Then Alice was forced get married to this man. He later ran away leaving Alice pregnant with Pavin at six months. The life that Alice went through was a tragic one with a lot of struggles to see that her baby is conceived.   Now Pavid is 10 years old.  He has never seen his father or had any fatherly love. His mother has been the one alone supporting the family and struggling to make ends meet.  She pays Pavin’s school fees through her work of   plaiting people’s hair. The little earned can’t sustain pavin in school since some days customers don’t come hence pavin missing school often. Pavin goes to fountain of hope learning center and he loves Jesus, He also enjoys reading Christian children’s books with cartoons in their Saturday fellowships at school.

Sponsorship will give hope to Pavin’s life!

What makes you smile?

Seeing my mother happy

What was your best memory since last year?

Mummy gave me a skirt.

What are your hobbies?

Plaiting mummy’s hair

What is your favorite food?


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