Ishimwe Pius

Ishimye Pius

Age: 6.00 years
Dream: Doctor
Grade Level: Middle Class
Location Gaba

Pius is 6 years. who loves Jesus but keep asking his mother if really Jesus knows him because he had spent two years without going to school. Pius lives with his mother in Gaba, his father passed away when the mother was four months pregnant. The mother used to smoke maize and sell it for a living but due to house rent her capital was finished and she began to wash clothes to sustain Pius.  Pius’s dream is to become a doctor after finishing school and one day he wants to build his mother a house.  He was identified through our ministry program and he was enrolled into Fountain of learning center to have an education. He is now is Middle class.

Pius’s future will be successful through Sponsorship!

What makes you smile?

Going to sleep

What was your best memory since last year?


What are your hobbies?


What is your favorite food?


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