
Zion Luyima

Age: 6.00 years
Dream: Doctor
Grade Level: Top Class
Location Gaba

Zion stays with her mother in Gabba slum. She is naturally a happy girl given her humble background. Her mother owns a small business of charcoal and tomatoes and she has done that business for survival ever since the father abandoned the entire family two years ago and re-married. Since it is a big family of 8 children and the whole burden for school fees was left for Zion’s mother, going to school for some children at times becomes a night mare especially when she fails to get customers for charcoal and tomatoes. On the other hand, the little earned from that small business is not enough to sustain all the 8children in school and also provide for other necessities. This time has led to some children staying home while others go to school.

Your love and support will help Zion keep in school.


What makes you smile?

Staying around my friends

What was your best memory since last year?

My mother celebrated my birthday.

What are your hobbies?

Skipping the rope

What is your favorite food?

Chicken and rice

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