
Ayebale Gift

Age: 5.00 years
Dream: Teacher
Grade Level: Middle Class
Location Bunga

Gift is 5 years at Fountain of Hope Learning Center. Gift stays with a single mother and four other siblings in Bunga-Slum. Gift’s father abandoned the family and left them in despair situation leaving the mother with all the 5 children. Mother fries chips at night along the streets of Bunga to take care of her children. Gift’s mother leaves the children by themselves in a small one roomed house to go and look for what they can eat for the night. leaving Gift and her siblings till she returns home at mid-night. Sometimes the mother gets some money to support the family and other times not. When she does not get anything the children and her go hungry that night till they find what to eat the next day.

 Sponsorship will change Gift’s story

What makes you smile?

Playing with others

What was your best memory since last year?

When mummy bought for me anew shoe and adress

What are your hobbies?


What is your favorite food?

Rice and beans

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