
Babirye Amira

Age: 4.00 years
Dream: Doctor
Grade Level: Baby Class
Location Katoogo Gaba

Amira comes from a family of 5 members and she resides in Katoogo-slum, their single roomed house is surrounded with stagnant water because that’s where their aunt could afford in terms of rent. When Amira’s mother Majorine was pregnant, her father abandoned the family that by denying his responsibility leaving the mother in a very poor state to look after the pregnancy of twins and cater for the medical bills which was very hard for her.

The mother can’t take care of the family right now so they are residing at the aunt’s place for support.  The work that the aunt does, she moves around the community looking for clothes to wash to support the family with food and other basic needs.

 We believe your support will change Amira’s story of being on and off school.

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