Nsereko Ivan

Ivan Nsereko

Age: 10.00 years
Dream: Police Officer
Grade Level: Primary 2
Location Katuuso-Kilombe-Buziga

Ivan is in Primary two at Fountain of Hope Learning center. He stays with his mother and four siblings in Katuuso-Kilombe-Buziga. Ivan enjoys praising God, playing soccer in his free time and his dream is to become a policeman. Ivan’s mother washes people’s clothes to earn a living and his mother left his father due to domestic violence, he would get drunk and come back home and beat the entire family to an extent of strangling the mother hence separation.

The little that mother gets is not enough to cater for the needs of the entire family and also support all the children in school since they at times even miss school.

Ivan’s life will entirely be blessed through sponsorship!


What makes you smile?

What makes you smile?

Going to school.

What was your best memory since last year?

I was celebrated with a cake on my birthday.

What are your hobbies?

Playing football

What is your favorite food?

Rice and Meat

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