
Jean Queen

Age: 7.00 years
Dream: Teacher
Grade Level: Middle Class
Location Katogo Gaba

Queen comes from a family of two members in katoogo slum in Ggaba village. Queen’s mother smokes maize alongside Ggaba road to support the entire family. He father abandoned the family when queen was one year old in a wooden house surrounded by swampy water. This water floods whenever it gets to rain and the entire family becomes at risk of dangerous snakes, mosquitoes and fear for their lives. Adding on her sad story, Because of the too much water that surrounds queens house, the family has to find a boat to cross to the dry land so that queen can have a chance to attend class.  Also, the mother misses out going to smoke her maize to be able to provide for the family what to eat. The work that the mother does can’t provide for the family and also pay school fees for her two children. Your sponsorship will be a blessing to Queen.



What makes you smile?

Going out for swimming

What was your best memory since last year?

My mother bought for me a cake on my birthday.

What are your hobbies?

Singing and dancing

What is your favorite food?


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