Nadiya Nakanda

Nadiya Nakanda

Age: 16.00 years
Dream: Teacher
Grade Level: Not in school
Location Katogo

Nadia Nakanda, a very humble girl comes from a modest background deeply grounded in the Muslim religion. Her father Juma Ssalongo and mother Sarah Nalongo have cared for their family of 15, with twins. These twins bring Joy to the home.

Through her 12 years, Nadia has attended school only up to primary four and she is currently seated at home. This is due to the lack of enough finances. Her father works as a Taxi conductor and earns less that $4 a day and yet food, health and shelter needs keep arising day by day.

Despite her current situation, her favorite subjects remain Mathematics and Social studies. She believes that the future is bright and she will become a teacher to put a stop to “NO EDUCATION” in Uganda. You can help Nadia’s dreams come true, and bring joy in her life.

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