
Ashley Nakanwagi

Age: 7.00 years
Dream: Pilot
Grade Level: Top Class
Location Kisengo Kawuku

Ashley was abandoned by her father. She lives with a single mother in a village called Kisengo-Kawuku a Surb of Kampala. The mother’s work is not a good job to support the 4 children in the family and the mother herself. The work that the mother does she moves around the community washing clothes for other people where she gets less than a dollar a day to take care of the house basic needs and also take her children to school. Because of the little pay Ashley’s mother couldn’t afford to send her to school and the rest of her siblings. When Develop a Child Africa Ministries began a school where Ashley is current studying. Ashley got an opportunity through Mercy Ministry to attend fountain of Hope Learning center and her hope is restored.

It will be a blessing for her to receive sponsorship to help achieve her dream of becoming a Pilot.

What makes you smile?

Holding dolls

What was your best memory since last year?

Visited my grandmother and she carried me.

What are your hobbies?

Playing with dolls

What is your favorite food?

Posho and beans

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