Lilian Nakilyowa

Nakilyowa Lillian

Age: 11.00 years
Dream: Doctor
Grade Level: Primary 5
Location Ggaba

Lilian is 11 years old, living in Kisengo-slum in Kawuku. She stays with her aunt now 8 years since her father ran mad (mental unstable). Her childhood has not been pleasing at all and very difficult. She has never had a chance to see or meet her biological mother since she abandoned her after giving birth to her. Since then, Lilian has not had a chance to feel a motherly love. She cried and got depressed every time she saw her father held with ropes on his hands until he was taken to a mental institute. Her aunt sews tone clothes, It’s really a hard work because even the pay in is so little. Life for this family has been a struggle because even earning less than a dollar a day is very difficult for them to take care of the entire family.

 Your sponsorship will surely help her attain a descent education.

What makes you smile?

Seeing all my siblings going to school

What was your best memory since last year?

I ranked the first position in my 1st term exams

What are your hobbies?

Singing and dancing

What is your favorite food?

Matooke and ground nuts

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