Mwanje Auther

Mwanje Arthur

Age: 10.00 years
Dream: Doctor
Grade Level: Primary 2
Location Bunga

Arthur Mwanje is 9 year old who loves the Lord so much and he attends fellowship at Fountain of hope learning centre every Saturday. Arthur lives with his mother called Allen in Bunga and she sub rents with a friend . His father abandoned Allen when she was 6 months pregnant and sadly that’s when she got to know that she was infected by him with HIV AIDS. She fries fish for a living and sometimes she doesn’t get the fish due to lack of capital, It’s a smuggle for her to support the  Arthur and take care of the other family basic needs.

Sponsorship will change Arthur’s life!

What makes you smile?

When I pass my exams

What was your best memory since last year?

I passed my exams and mummy was happy about it

What are your hobbies?

Playing soccer

What is your favorite food?


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