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Unia Is aged 17 years and was forced out of school by the pandemic as her parents could no longer make enough to see her continue with her studies. She was supposed to be a candidate but as her friends got good news to report back to school for her it was “you won’t be going to school anymore, find something to do”, that’s what her parents said.
It seemed like there was no more hope for her.
Unia started praying about it and through that was one day invited for the bible class at Develop A Child Africa Ministries (DACAM) by her neighbour from there she got introduced to the liquid soap making class. She enrolled for soap making and later got raw materials to start her own small liquid soap business
Since then she has grown the business, six months down the road she makes and sells between 25 to 30 litres of liquid soap a week which is a very significant number given the short time she has ventured into the business.
She is very happy after all her hope to go back to school and continue with her studies isn’t all lost as she makes enough money to save for school, contribute to home basic needs and stand with her parents financially.
Her prospects are that with in two years she will have enough savings to push her through one academic year and from there be able to pick up and support herself solely through school. She also hopes to start to properly brand and package her soap to make it distinctive and set her apart from other manufacturers hence targeting cooperate business and individuals as she was packaging the soap in used water plastic bottles. She also hopes to grow the business from a small venture to a middle income generating business.
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